
Bio of the studio

History with pictures, etc.

Galina - owner, choreographer, instructor and dancer

Galina nature 100x150Born and raised in Moscow, Russia, Galina began her way the world of art through music. From 4 years old and till 16, she attended the School of Choral Art with the profound studying of piano, vocal, theory of music, drama, and choral art. Being surrounded by classical, folkloric, and modern music since young age, Galina has developed a life-long deep love and understanding of music and rhythm which later led her to world of Arabic music.



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Eastern Dance Studio was founded in Calgary, Alberta in 2007 by Galina Busova. The intention was to create a community of kindred spirit women to grow together in the Art of Belly Dancing.


Comments and suggestions from our students

We are contineuosly working on the quality of our classes. Please let us know your comments or suggestions on what can be improved. We would also love to hear any ideas about new directions  and practices you'd like to suggest.

Here are past comments (from our prevouis websites) by AglaiaMariaSvetlana B.Svetlana F..


belly dancing performance team member SvitlanaSvitlana first thought of taking up belly dancing when she was a teenager, inspired by the Brazilian actress Giovanna Antonelli. Svitlana laughingly recalls that she watched the telenovela “O Clone” for hours on end hoping to see another 30-second-long fragment of the belly dance choreography performed by the actress. Giovanna Antonelli’s dancing style made her the epitome of femininity, grace and beauty for Svitlana.



tammyAfter giving birth to twins, Tammy was searching for a fun exercise program to help tone her stomach muscles. She became intrigued by Belly Dance. The belly dance classes gave her an opportunity to spend quality time with other women who also admired this beautiful dance. Most of all, she found they encouraged and inspired each other.



MariaMaria is originally from Kyrgyzstan (Central Asia), and the oriental dance is very popular over there. She first tried belly dancing in 2004, Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan when her girlfriends signed her up for the class. Shimmy was the most fun part of the class!! The "awe-moment" was to see her instructor doing belly-rolls.


Spring Session begins on April 2

Register before March 30 and get 20% OFF the regular price!