
This fun choreography to the music of a Tunisian pop singer, Latifa  is created for Intermediate level belly dancers. 
"Inshallah" means" hopefully" is arabic, litteral translation is " if God wills".

The lirics of this song is very beautiful:

Hopefully you will come back to me
Hopefully your heart is mine
How long, tell me, can you hope to do without me?
Me, your beloved?
You act proud like a matador
But our love will be the strongest
You're gone without a glance
In order to avoid my crazed eyes
Will you come back to the light?
Hopefully, it is my prayer
Who else will give you her soul and her heart
Without counting
Who will know how to read all your desires on your face, even the least proper?
Oh remember your promises, your oaths, your feelings
Keep in your memory the sweet perfume of our history

Choreorgaphy Description

Please download this file inshallah_choreography_description.pdf for offline use.

click here to read choreography description


« , » or « + » - one movement after another
« / » - both movement performed simultaneously
Vert- vertical
hor -Horizontal
Hip - hip
8 – figure 8
in - inward
out- outward
0' 00'' – minutes, second from the beginning of the music
3* - 3 times
(8) or (4) – counts
L – left
R – right

0-18'' improve intro
(8)+(8) Intro
(8)+(8) entrance Skip Step

18''- 25'' combo 1 ¾ shimmy
(8) 4 ¾ shimmy or side hip bump forw, 2 chest circles
(8) 4 ¾ shimmy or side hip bump back, 3 small hip circles

25’’-35’’ combo 2 hip arches
(8) 1 arch +f-m-b R, chest circle, turn to L
1 arch +f-m-b L, 2 small hip circles

35''- 50'' combo 3
(8) Twist Step to R/L, 3 point turn back/forw
(8) 2drop-kick R, int hip cir+rev~
(8) Twist Step to R/L, 3 point turn back/forw
(8) 2drop-kick R, hip cir + chest cir

50'' - 1'10'' combo 4 square combo
(8) Arabic 2 forw+ R drop kick drop
(8) 3 point turn R+ L drop kick drop
(8) Camel Step back+f-b 8 rlr
(8) 4 Twist steps L+cross turn

1' 10'' -1'25'' combo 5 regrouping
(8) +(8) Arabic 2 + 3point turn Snake switch
(8) +(8) Arabic 2 + 3point to make V- crescent

1' 25'' -1'34'' combo 6 sunrise arms
(4) ¾ shimmy or side hip bumps forward/ sunrise arms to 5
(4) F- B fig 8 ht db R/ arms from 5 to chest
(4) ¾ shimmy or side hip bumps backwards/ arms from chest to 2
(4) snake arms ht db R

1' 34'' -1'43'' Combo 7 vert fig 8s
(4) U- D fig 8 step to R ht db R/ armsR2, L behind head
(4) U-D fig 8 with plie ht db R/arms behind head
(4) U-D fig 8 to L ht db L/ armsL2, R behind head
(4) chest cir, hip cir CCW ht db U/ arms behind head

1' 43'' -2’00'' Combo 8 drum solo
(4)face L diag: R Drop kick high twist/ R arm 2 L arm H1
(4) 2 R drop kicks to face forward/ arms to 2
(4) VHI dt fb R with F- B fig 8/ arms 2
(4) VHI dt fb R with 2 vert chest cir ht db R/ arms 2

(4) ext hip cir step to R ht db F/ arms 2
(4) big ext hip cir L qt db F/arms to cross
(4) CCW pivot with double drops/ arms R 2 L5
(4) CCW pivot with double drops to face back, cross turn forward/cross arms then

2’00'' – 2’17’’ Combo 9 regrouping from V to A
4*(8) 2 Arabic , 4 Twist steps/ R 5, L 2
Group 1
(4) B- F 8s/ arms vert 8 and back to back
(4) 2 vert chest cirs/arms to 2
Group 2
(8)shoulder roll, 2 hip cir
(8)+(8) around the circle with sirtaki. twist

2’17’’ – 2’35’’ Combo 10 Arabic 2
(8)R Arabic 2/ arm 2 to 5+ R back 5 count turn/ arms in 5 to 2
(8) Arabic 2 to R

Same for L/ arm go in the opposite direction

2’35’’- 2’56’’ combo 11 coda
(8)+(8) repeat combo 1
(8) 2 R drop kicks, 5 count step back
(8) 2 L drop kicks, 3 point turn to L pose: arms mod 5 left foot on relave.

"Inshallah" choreography - combos 1-4

Video of combos 1 through 4 from "Inshallah" choreography rehearsal from 5th of January 2017.


"Inshallah" choreography - whole

Video of whole "Inshallah" choreography - rehearsal from 1st of December 2016.


"Inshallah" choreography - combos 10 and 11

Video of combos 10 and 11 from "Inshallah" choreography rehearsal from 1st of December 2016.


"Inshallah" choreography - combo 10

Video of combo 10 from "Inshallah" choreography rehearsal from 24th of November 2016.


"Inshallah" choreography - combos from 6 to 9 with music

Video of combos 6 though 9 with music from "Inshallah" choreography rehearsal from 24th of November 2016.


"Inshallah" choreography - combos 6 and 7

Video of combos 6 and 7 rehearsal from "Inshallah" choreography from 17th of November 2016.


"Inshallah" choreography - combo 8 whole

Video of combo 8 (whole) from "Inshallah" choreography rehearsal from 2nd of November 2016.


"Inshallah" choreography - combos from 1 through 8 with music

Video of combo 1 though 8 with music from "Inshallah" choreography rehearsal from 2nd of November 2016.


"Inshallah" choreography - combo 8

Video of combo 8 from "Inshallah" choreography rehearsal from 2nd of November 2016.


"Inshallah" choreography - combos 3 and 4

p>Video of combos 3 and 4 from "Inshallah" choreography rehearsal from 27th of October 2016.


Inshallah" choreography - combo 4

Video of combo 4 from "Inshallah" choreography rehearsal from 13th of October 2016.


"Inshallah" choreography - combo 3

Video of combo 3 from "Inshallah" choreography rehearsal from 10th of October 2016.


"Inshallah" choreography - combo 2

Video of combo 2 from "Inshallah" choreography rehearsal from 21st of September 2016.