Metaphor: Miraculous Chest
by Galina Busova
Every woman who dared to explore the beautiful
and mysterious world of Belly Dance will find
her own fruits of this dance.
Once upon a time a woman walked down a road and found a small chest. It was beautifully decorated with carving and inlay, and the woman was thinking about taking the chest home. However, it was locked, and there was no trace of a key around, so the woman left the casket as it is and went on.
Nobody knows for how long the chest was staying in the dust but one day another woman spotted it. This lady was curious what was inside. She took the box to a master who helped her to open the chest. The content of the box looked marvelous! Exquisite jewelery and elegant dresses were there in plenty. The lucky lady began to wear all these wonderful things and soon became a real beauty. Many good men were asking her in marriage and very soon she got married with a man of her life.
Submerged in domestic life the woman soon forgot about the chest and looked back on it only when her daughter grew up. " This chest will help you to find a good match" , she said to her daughter handing over the chest. However, the young girl had not been thinking about marriage yet. She was curious about life and her own journey, and still, the content of the chest intrigued her. She put aside the jewelry and the clothing which determined her mother's fate, and found out that underneath there were lots of other interesting and useful feminine things: medicines for remaining young and healthy, amulets for fertility and child-bearing, herbs for balancing the energy, and dozens of ancient books with recipes and wise advices about woman's life.
For several years the bright lady was studying those books, and finally, the chest revealed its most precious gift. At the very bottom of the chest the real treasure was hidden: diamonds, emeralds, sapphires, amethysts, and garnets! What a miraculous chest! How many more secrets do you keep?