Legend for choreography descriptions
List of all special symbols and abbreviations that describe belly dancing choreographies.
- « , » or « + »
- one movement after another
- « / »
- both movement performed simultaneously
- CW
- clock wise
- counter clock wise
- V
- vertical
- hor
- Horizontal
- Hip
- hip
- 8 or fig8
- figure 8
- in
- inward
- out
- outward
- int
- interior
- ext
- exterior
- 0' 00''
- minutes, second from the beginning of the music
- 3*
- 3 times
- (8) or (4)
- counts
- (6/8)
- 6 out 8 counts
- L
- left
- R
- right
- U
- up
- D
- down
- ~ or und
- undulation
- cir
- circle
- qt
- quarter time
- ht
- half time
- ft
- full time
- dt
- double time
- db
- down beat
- la
- lower abdominals
- ua
- upper abdominals
- lb
- lower back
- ub
- upper back
- arm 1/2/H1/mod2
- arm positions
- mod
- modified
- H1
- high first
- Vertical Hip Isolation