Safety in Belly Dancing

 Belly Dancing is a well-balanced and body-friendly work out. However, many women are concered about the limitations of age, skill level, and health conditions when they think about taking a class. 


Belly dancing is almost the only type of dance which is never too later to try. Although in most types of dances professional dancers finish their careers around their 30s in belly dancing 30s are just the beginning. Usually, by this age a women has already had a child, her body has reached a stage of maturity and her inner life is full of emotional experiences. The dance of younger girls is beautiful; however, the peak of femininity falls to postnatal stage of women's life.

I recommend starting belly dancing before your 60th anniversary although I knew some dancers who did it even later and enjoyed themselves very much.
Young ladies of 11-15 y.o. are recommended to wait for 6 months from the beginning of their first period.

Healthy issues

Many women tend to find out about their limitations at class. For instance, they discover difficulty in neck, chest, or shoulder movements, hip isolation, turnings, or arm and feet coordination. All this signs does not say about any serious problem. Most of them will soften or disappear with practice.
However, with certain issues it is better to be careful at Belly Dancing Class.

We highly recommend to check with you doctor it you have the following conditions:

  • Severe platypodia (belly dancer spend a long time on the balls);
  • Spinal problems : vertebral disk prolapsed (more than 8 mm), dislocation of vertebras
  • diseases of ovaries, uterine fibroid, uterine tube obstruction
  • tumor, inflammatory process in an aggravation stage
  • purulent inflammation
  • severe hypertension
  • gallbladder inflammation
  • stomach ulcer and duodenum in aggravation stage
  • any troubles with a liver
  • severe pains and plentiful bleeding during the periods
  • thrombophlebitis and varicophlebitis
  • heart disease
  • brain aneurisms, increased intra-cranial pressure
  • tuberculosis , aggravated and obstructive bronchitis
  • the exacerbation of any diseases

Having one of the listed health diseases doesn't mean that you cannot practice belly dancing. Many women, myself included, observed the relief of the condition and improvement of one's health with a regular practice. The most important thing is to consult with your doctor and listen to your body during the classes and after.

In class

In class make sure that you do a proper warm-up before starting the drills. Even if you are late take your time to stretch you long muscles and warm up your joins before you catch up with the group. In the process of practice be attentive to your body signals. It you feel increasing tension in your lower back, your shoulders, your calves, or some other part of your body stop and stretch this part. Even if we do take regular stretching during the drills your body might need to do it more frequently.

Moon time

Certain movements should be avoided or done very softly and slowly during the period. Pelvic locks, reverse undulation, hip drops, and hip shimmies can cause excessive bleeding in you are performing this movement at the first 3 days of your menstruation. At the same time, soft flowing movements of your pelvic are well-know for reducing the cramps and tension in the lower back. I personally, do dance at any day of my period slightly adjusting my movements to my physical state. I noticed that when I dance during the first 2 days of my Moon Time I never have cramps and the bleeding gets shorter.